Many of us have struggled with all manner of disordered eating – overeating, undereating, binge eating, restricting to the point of starvation, or getting up at night and eating till we thought we’d burst. We’ve been obsessed with our body and our weight. We’ve gone on diet after diet, searching desperately for the diet that works. If we somehow managed to drop the weight, we would inevitably suffer with regain, putting on even more than we’d originally lost. And, for some of us, eating to the point of obesity with its inevitable health problems and mobility challenges. Some of us refuse to eat, severely restricting our food intake. Or, we exercise for hours at a time, consumed by the perceived imperfections of our bodies. At times, it feels so very isolating that we think it’s utterly hopeless.
And yet, here you are – some part of you holding out hope for a solution to your dilemma. We want you to know that you’re in the right place. We want you to know that there is hope – and a solution that not only addresses your obsession with food, but that offers a design for living that really works.
Stop trying to do this thing alone! Give us a call at (408) 940-6278 or send email to
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