Given OA members and newcomers to OA come from all walks of life and struggle with many “variations” of our common disease of compulsive eating, this section has been added to our website.
It is in the spirit of love, service, understanding, hope, and healing that we provide this aggregated information. We seek to shed more light on a disease often misunderstood, dismissed, and seldom openly discussed because of the frequent remorse, shame, guilt, and overwhelmingly burdensome stigma associated with compulsive eating ,along with all the variations and manifestations of this troubling disease.
Overeaters Anonymous has long worked in cooperation with professionals to help ensure that all who may want help from OA for their compulsive eating, can be informed of what OA has to offer. OA has long provided news and information about our program of recovery to professionals via our Professional Community Courier. OA offers this free publication so that all professionals may know that OA makes itself available to complement the care they provide with our recovery program.
On this special web page, you will find various bits of information, statistics, videos, research studies, and general news on compulsive eating, eating disorders, various forms of food addiction and its ramifications, along with the medical community’s varied approaches to a worldwide problem which has reached both deeply concerning and epidemic proportions.
Happily, within OA, our problem of compulsive eating is being successfully addressed, one day at a time, by working the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous.
The following content is being provided in no particular order.
Inclusion here does not imply endorsement or affiliation. O.A. does not conduct or participate in research, nor does it hold any opinion on research conducted by others.
To honor and safeguard the anonymity of actual members, all images used anywhere on the OASV website are stock photographs intended to be representative – never actual members.
Dietary News & Science
- How too much fructose (high-fructose corn syrup) may feed cancer tumors
- Ozempic for binge eating: What you need to know
- Women with excess weight at ages 14 or 31 may have higher stroke risk
- What is the connection between beauty standards and mental health? (Is this connected to eating disorders?)
- 8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death
- Current Discoveries and Future Implications of Eating Disorders
- Sweetened drinks linked to atrial fibrillation risk
- 10 popular diets scored for heart-healthy elements; some need improvement
- Dieting & Gallstones
- Calorie restriction and fasting diets: What do we know?
- How dietary factors influence disease risk
- Diet Beverages and Body Weight
- Genes, Junk Food and Weight
Anorexia News & Science
- What’s the connection between anorexia and insomnia?
- Anorexia nervosa binge-purge type explained
- New Research Aims to Elucidate Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa
- Life Beyond Anorexia Nervosa
- Looking At Anorexia Nervosa in a New Way
Bulimia News & Science
Obesity News & Science
- Is obesity an eating disorder?
- Obesity and overweight
- One in eight people are now living with obesity
- World Obesity Day
- Obesity Rates by Country 2023
- One Billion People Globally Estimated to be Living with Obesity by 2030
- World Obesity Atlas 2022 – PDF
- Report Shows It’s Time To Change The Picture Of Obesity, Forbes, Bruce Y. Lee, Senior Contributor, 9-2-17
- World Obesity Day – Let’s Talk about Obesity…
- Definition & Facts for Adult Overweight & Obesity
- Gut Microbiomes Differ Between Obese and Lean People
- WHO’s Science in 5: Obesity – 1 March 2024
- #WOD2024: Obesity and Youth: Young people catalysing change (World Obesity Day webinar)
- Michigan’s Obesity Epidemic
- 7 Invisible Eating Disorders
- Anorexia: 3 Perspectives on the Same Eating Disorder | Stanford
- Obesity: Causes, Health Conditions, and Treatment | Mass General Brigham
- How Anorexia Nervosa Disorder Affects the Brain and Body | Mass General Brigham
- World Obesity Day 2023 – #ChangingPerspectives: Let’s talk about obesity
- World Obesity Day 2023
- World Obesity Day 2022 – Everybody Needs To Act, 2-16-22
- World Obesity Day 2022 – Message from Dr Tedros, Director-General of WHO, 3-4-22
- Science of obesity
- Obesity is not a choice: What living with obesity is really like, Sarah Le Broq, DUKPC Digest 2022, 3-30-22
- Time to act on obesity: why is it so difficult to lose weight? 9-16-19
- Obesity: The little things, 9-5-12
- Junk Food Kids: Who’s To Blame, Obesity Documentary, 4-6-22
- Obesity, National Geographic, 9-11-07
- Fast food, Fat profits: Obesity in America, Fault Lines, 11-19-10
- Obesity: A Deadly Risk, Body Image, Only Human, 8-21-17
- The debate about body positivity during America’s ongoing obesity epidemic, CBS News, 8-21-20
- CBSN Originals presents “Speaking Frankly: Fat Shaming,” Full Documentary, 8-20-20
- One Billion People Globally Estimated to be Living with Obesity by 2030
- The REAL Cause of Binge Eating Disorder
- World Obesity Atlas 2022
- World Obesity News
- Global Action Plan Letter, 3-4-22
- Post Pandemic Obesity Posing a New Challenge for Americans this World Obesity Day, March 4, 2022
- Metabolic-Bariatric Surgery Boosts Life Expectancy, Especially Among Patients With Diabetes, Jessica Nye, PhD, 6-22-21
- Vascular Function: Another Benefit of Bariatric Surgery — Macrovascular, microvascular gains accrue for nearly all patient groups, Kristen Monaco, Staff Writer, MedPage Today, 7-12-21
- Bariatric surgery lowers risk of liver disease, heart complications in patients with fatty liver disease, Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc., 11-11-21
- Cleveland Clinic Research Shows Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Severity of COVID-19 in Patients with Obesity, Prior weight-loss surgery associated with lower rate of hospital admission, Caroline Auger, 11-24-20:
- Bariatric Surgery Associated with Improved Vascular Outcomes Across Patient Groups, Connor Iapoce, 7-14-21:
- Determinants of weight, psychological status, food contemplation and lifestyle changes in patients with obesity during the COVID-19 lockdown: a nationwide survey using multiple correspondence analysis, International Journal of Obesity, 3-19-22:
- Pilot study for the development of a screening questionnaire to detect sarcopenic obesity, International Journal of Obesity, 4-9-22
- Longitudinal body mass index trajectories at preschool age: children with rapid growth have differential composition of the gut microbiota in the first year of life, International Journal of Obesity, 4-15-22
- Mechanisms of reduced leptin-mediated satiety signaling during obesity, International Journal of Obesity, 3-3-22
- AHA News: Obesity Harms Brain Health Throughout Life – Yet Scientists Don’t Know Why, 1-13-22
- A Proclamation on National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, 2022, President Joe Biden, 2-18-22 :
- Eating disorder statistics 2023: Global eating disorder statistics increased from 3.4% to 7.8%. Use these eating disorder stats to understand why the prevalence of eating disorders, 2-3-23
- Eating Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health
- Eating Disorder Statistics
- With eating disorders on the rise, lawmakers seek legislative answer – Four pieces of legislation are attracting support from advocates, Sandhya Raman, 3-16-22
- Body Image Statistics 2023: 52+ Shocking Facts & Stats, March 3, 2023, By Dr Jake Linardon
- Diminished activation of specific prefrontal brain region may directly contribute to binge eating in bulimia nervosa, Science Daily, 2-28-22
- Bulimia nervosa, Office on Women’s Health
- The hidden burden of eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Lancet, January 2022