The following data is provided in the spirit of full transparency, based upon the Treasury Report compiled by the OA Silicon Valley Treasurer, as reflected in the meeting minutes.
The OASV Intergroup meets on the first Tuesday of each month, from 7:15-8:15pm, Pacific Time. Please check the Meeting Schedule for details (we meet online).
Any member may attend to learn more about OASV and is free to bring items of financial interest to Intergroup for review and discussion. A member of OASV may make a motion requesting Intergroup consideration. Discussion, including minority opinion, will be heard. All seconded motions will be placed before the OASV Intergroup for a vote. Decisions are rendered based upon majority voting rights.
Last Update from the OASV Intergroup Meeting held on: January 7, 2025, 7:15-8:15pm (PT)
Starting Cash: $8,007.77
7th Tradition Contributions: $1,080.13
There has been a considerable drop in 7th Tradition contributions. Intergroup members are encouraged to invite all Silicon Valley Intergroup meeting members to consider increasing their contributions to Intergroup by making a monthly (recurring) contribution. The World Service Office recommends a weekly contribution of $5 per meeting. Members may use PayPal to make their 7th Tradition contribution, or they may mail a check made out to “OASV Intergroup” to:
OASV Intergroup
P.O. Box 5603 San Jose,
CA 95150 (USA)
Expenses: $0
Ending Balance: $9,087.90
Please direction any questions you may have concerning the OASV Treasury Report to: