To view all our wonderful blogs covering a wide variety of topics near and dear to our members, please click here!
The main purpose of this blog is to connect Overeaters Anonymous Silicon Valley to the people that want and need us most – fellow compulsive eaters – those who may be still suffering, as well as those that have found the spiritual solution freely available to all of us through working the Twelve Steps of our OA recovery program. We know that blog posts give us the opportunity to speak about whatever may be on our minds as we travel the road of recovery.
When we post regularly on the topics of interest to our membership and to those sufferers that have yet to come through our doors, we know we have a greater chance for our website to be discovered and visited by the people seeking a solution to the problem of compulsive eating: anorexics, bulimics, the under-eater/food restrictor, the over-eater and the obese, nighttime eaters, excessive exercisers, those who struggle with body image, or any other compulsive eating behavior – we get your struggles and are here to help! We’re happy you’re here and hope that you find what we have found – a design for living that really works!
If you are interested in being a guest blogger or contributing something special to our blog (art, poetry, stories, jokes, slogans, or whatever you see fit to share with us that represents your experience, strength, and hope), please send an email to:
Check out our blog: New Beginnings