Monthly Open OASV Intergroup Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM: All OA members are welcome. All IG reps and IG committee members are encouraged to attend, OASV Intergroup Meeting
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 827 8206 1411
Passcode: 657537
Tuesday 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM: Speaker OA 90-day Meeting
About this Meeting: Arrive early, at 6:30pm, for fellowship. At this 90-Day meeting, a recovered member speaks for 15 minutes about what it was like before and how they recovered through working the Steps. Other members share briefly on their recovery from compulsive eating.
To join by telephone, call +1-408-638-0968 (San Jose, CA) or find your local number by clicking here. When prompted, enter the following:
Meeting ID: 814 5910 2776
Passcode: 610995
Every Wednesday – 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM: Step and Tradition Study, Literature/Sharing
In-Person Location:
First Congregational Church of San Jose:
1980 Hamilton Ave, San Jose. Cross Street: Leigh Ave. (Click here for direction)
Park in lot off Leigh Ave. (past entrance to Springbridge School). Mandatory mask usage outside of meeting room. Look for OA signs to Friendship Room located outside and to the left of locked main gate.
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 814 4855 0888
Passcode: 305596
Every Thursday – 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM: 12th Step Within: Recovery from Relapse, Speaker/Sharing
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 874 3267 0738
Passcode: 127044
Sobre esta Reunión: Viernes 5 pm: Un panel de miembros recuperados habla sobre un tema de la literatura aprobada por OA. Al final de la reunión, todos están invitados a comprometerse a trabajar los Doce Pasos para lograr la abstinencia. Si eres un https://oasv.org/get-started/are-you-a-compulsive-eater/“>comedor compulsivo, únete a nosotros.
Para unirse por teléfono, llame al +1-408-638-0968 (San José, CA) o encuentre su número local haciendo clic aquí. Cuando se le solicite, ingrese lo siguiente:
Meeting ID: 883 5835 5490
Passcode: 462501
Every Friday 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM: Speaker or Literature on alternate weeks, Speaker/Literature/Sharing
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 898 9398 6355
Passcode: 903694
Every Friday – 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM: 90-Day, Steps and Traditions Study (OA & AA), Literature/Sharing
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 813 4638 7158
Passcode: 423708
About this Meeting: Members read, and share about the reading, from the book, For Today.
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
To join by telephone, call +1-408-638-0968 (San Jose, California) or find your local number by clicking here. Then enter the following information when prompted:
Meeting ID: 843 5066 2540
Passcode: 887642
Every Saturday – 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM: Speaker/Sharing
Dial-in Instructions: for local (San Jose, USA) please call +1-408-638-0968, otherwise visit:
Meeting ID: 890 7192 6935
Passcode: 065122
Saturdays 7:00 AM to 8:15 AM
Speaker OA Español Meeting
Sobre esta Reunión: Sábado 7 am: Un miembro con recuperación de comer compulsivamente comparte su experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza seguido de preguntas y un breve intercambio sobre la recuperación de los asistentes a la reunión.
Para unirse por teléfono, llame al +1-408-638-0968 (San José, CA) o encuentre su número local haciendo clic aquí. Cuando se le solicite, ingrese lo siguiente:
Meeting ID: 883 5835 5490
Passcode: 462501