Healthy Eating: Blogs Posts Featuring Food Plans and Recipes
OASV Intergroup launched this section of our website to be reflective of the various plans of eating (PoE) of our diverse members. It will come to contain and reflect various plans of eating together with a collection of member shared recipes.
We want to grow this section of our website, so we invite you to submit some of your favorite abstinent recipes to, along with a brief description of your plan of eating (and/or a bit about how you came to join OA) so that other members can come to appreciate the diversity and growing options for abstinent eating.
Be sure to share your most delicious and nutritious, whole and healthy abstinent recipes with us so that all may know that living as an abstinent member of OA doesn’t mean starving yourself, following a restrictive or bland diet, counting calories, or making separate food for others in your household or when any ‘normies’ (non-OA members or ‘normal eaters’) come to visit.
Given we each determine our own particular plan of eating with the aid of our sponsors and the guidance provided by the Higher Power of our own choosing, some of these recipes may not meet your unique needs or reflect your personal “nonalcoholic” or “greenlight” foods. They are, however, provided here as examples of what abstinent members are preparing, eating, and sharing with their families and friends as a daily part of their OA Twelve Step recovery.
Check out the latest recipes and shared stories of recovery: