When Should You Refer Someone to OA?
You may find it appropriate to refer your patient, client, employee, student, or a member of the community you serve to OA when they:
- Continue to eat compulsively in spite of medical advice to control their weight.
- Find that they cannot stop bingeing, purging, restricting, over-exercising, or obsessing about food.
- Find their efforts repeatedly ending in demoralizing failure, despite firm resolutions.
- Have weight concerns, body image issues, food attitudes, or behaviors that cause health problems.
In OA, we believe such individuals may be compulsive eaters. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, they suffer from what we in OA regard as a physical, emotional, and spiritual disease. In our experience, compulsive eating cannot be cured. However, by working the Twelve Steps of our recovery program, we do recover, one day at a time, and come to live a life happy, joyous, and free. OA’s worldwide Fellowship is open to all who have the desire to stop eating compulsively. Please see our Unity with Diversity statement to gain a better understanding of how our fellowship encourages and promotes acceptance and inclusivity.
It is our desire to be a support to anyone you serve or encounter who needs help in the area of compulsive eating.
Would you like to refer someone you know or work with to OA?
Overeaters Anonymous Silicon Valley has a solution that not only addresses the obsession with food, but that offers a design for living that really works – and we have no dues or fees for membership!
To learn more about OA, please encourage the person in need to call: +1 (408) 940-6278
Or, ask them to send email to: newtooa@oasv.org
Would you like to get to know OA better?
If you are curious about how Overeaters Anonymous Silicon Valley can help the patients, clients, students, staff, or community members you serve – then isn’t it time you got to know OA?
To speak with someone from our Professional Outreach Committee, to arrange for a free presentation for you and your staff, or to receive free OA literature, please send email to: pro-outreach@oasv.org