What does it cost to attend?

Although we have no dues or fees, we are self-supporting through our own contributions as defined by our 7th Tradition. Consequently, we do invite a suggested contribution of $5 per meeting from our regular members (this is NEVER required for attendance – please give only to your level of ability). We invite all newcomers to attend their first few meetings for free.

OASV intergroup does incur ongoing expenses (for this website, office expenses, the technologies employed, etc.). We give – according to our individual abilities – in order to cover all expenses so that we might continue to reach the still suffering compulsive eater and to keep our doors/online meetings open to those seeking to work our spiritual program of Twelve Step recovery – a design for living that really works.

If you would like to contribute to Overeaters Anonymous Silicon Valley so we can share our message of hope with more compulsive eaters throughout our county and beyond, please click here!

Who Should Attend OA Meetings/Events?

Alternative Meeting Options

Types of Events


What exactly is an OA meeting like?

Meeting List

About Online Meetings

Do you have a question about OA meetings?




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