So, you are likely asking yourself, what is Overeaters Anonymous (OA)?
OA is a Fellowship of individuals who have a common problem: compulsive eating, however it may express itself among our membership. The variations on our common malady are numerous: from the extremes of under-eating and anorexia, to the opposite extremes of over-eating and morbid obesity, along with assorted examples of everything in-between. What we share in common is a mental obsession, combined with a physical allergy, that manifests itself as a loss of control over our eating and indulgence in compulsive eating behaviors.
Within OA, “we” is one of the most important words in our language of love and mutual understanding. We join together to share experience, strength, and hope with one another to help solve our common problem and to help other compulsive overeaters do the same.
Membership Requirement
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for OA membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions (to better understand how this works, please view the following video about Tradition 7 – as a point of reference, suggested meeting contributions range from $3 to $5, yet no one is ever turned away for being unable to contribute – all are welcome, regardless).
Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors one day at a time. We do this through regular contact with other OA members, by attending OA meetings, and by working the Twelve Steps and studying the Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous. As this is a “we” program, we work it with a sponsor of our choosing, who is there to support and guide us through the program by freely sharing their own experience, strength, and hope, and making themselves available in order to strengthen and grow their own recovery.
For many of us that have suffered and isolated as a consequence of our disease, the warmth, welcome, and support provided by the fellowship is a gift beyond measure and an essential part of the recovery we experience within the OA program. Please feel free to share this website, our phone number: (408) 940-6278 or this email: with those you may encounter who are in need of our support and program of recovery.
How does OA Work? Alongside You!
When should I refer someone to OA?
What OA Claims
OA 2017 Survey
Want to Learn More?