The Gift of Abstinence


February 11, 2022

The Gift of Abstinence

Step Twelve: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our affairs. 

Carry the message
Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous

“We’re always happy to share our secret: the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous, which empower us to live well and be well one day at a time.”
— Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, p.87

The gift of abstinence comes with a responsibility to give it away to others, to represent recovery the best that I can as I walk through my life inside and outside the rooms of OA. I have friends and family who are not in OA. For many of them, I am the only example of recovery that they see. I have had family members ask me during difficult situations, “How are you handling this so well?” I tell them it’s because of the lessons I learn in OA. I follow the steps and traditions and live my whole life to the best of my ability by the principles embodied within them. Showing up one day at a time, abstinent emotionally, mentally and physically has a positive impact not only on me but on people around me as well. 

Journal Prompt: How do I practice these principles in all my affairs?

Please send your blog submissions to We look forward to hearing from you and to sharing your story of experience, strength and hope with others on this amazing journey of OA recovery from compulsive eating through the Twelve Steps.