Seventh Step Plea

OASV Blog Editor

July 21, 2023

Seventh Step Plea

Oh, God of my understanding, Higher Power of my fathers,
Understand my cries tonight. Hear my call to you for help.
This is the first and greatest of my defects. My character
Suffers so from independence. It was once a necessary
Evil, but today I must put away the shards of glass that my
Chrysalis has become. It is my armor and my weapon of
Self-destruction. Please, my Lord, take unto you all my
Isolation and selfish ego, never letting anyone get close
Enough to give the gift of their aid. Take this remnant of
My former life away, and give it to the leech, the louse, the flea,
And vampire bat, who need to learn to not depend on others.
My second defect is so much the greater than the other.
Let me catch my breath so I may name it. I feel shame
Deep in my soul that I have claimed it for so long. Again
It is my safeguard and my burden. I can’t see myself clearly
In a mirror. I see distortion and an ugly spirit, and I feel
So little that I can never be enough for You, dear Universe,
Or me, or any. Please, my God of my understanding,
(Who can that be? I’m still not sure, but my faith will move
A mustard seed and protect a mountain from a locust.)
Without knowing how I know or why I know, I know that tonight
You are listening, as I am learning to listen, not to answer
But without judgement, my dearest Higher Power over all,
All I ask is that I am, and truly, surely know that I am,
Enough. When these two character defects have been
Removed, my new life will begin, and HP will be there
To help me face my fears and even help me win.

~Salle H. ©2008