To gain access to ALL the audio recordings, presentations, hand-out materials, and any available meditations from past workshops, please click here (make sure to scroll through landing pages to find all associated workshop content).
For direct access, choose from one of the past workshop titles below (listed in alphabetical order):
- All About the Tenth Step – Handouts
- Avoiding PRE-lapse: How to Nurture Continued Abstinence
- Choosing and Connecting with our Higher Power
- Healing Body Image: Shifting from Shame to Sanity One Step at a Time – Link to book for sale: Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality; Personal Journeys to Recovery in Overeaters Anonymous
- Preventing and Recovering from Relapse
- Stop Eating Your Feelings
- The 3rd Annual Promises Workshop
- Using the Action Plan to Manage Our Abstinence – Slide Set & Handouts
We at Overeaters Anonymous Silicon Valley are people that have struggled with all manner of disordered eating – overeating, undereating, binge eating, restricting to the point of starvation, or getting up at night and eating till we thought we’d burst – and yet never managing to feel “full.” Obsessed with our body and our weight, we’ve gone on diet after diet, searching desperately for the diet that works – only to be discouraged by failure after failure to lose the weight or, if we did manage to take the weight off, we could not stop it from packing back on the moment we stopped dieting. There are those of us who have refused to eat, severely restricting our food intake to the point of making ourselves ill or nutritionally deficient. Others of us obsessively exercised for hours at a time, consumed by the perceived imperfections of our bodies. At times, it has felt so shameful and isolating that we began to think it was utterly hopeless – but then we found OA!
Within Overeaters Anonymous, we met people just like us who, having worked the Twelve Steps, came to know recovery and who were willing to share their experience, strength, and hope with us so that we could learn what they did to achieve that recovery through working the Twelve Steps of our program and picking up our 9 tools of recovery.
OASV offers a wide variety of workshops led by our own abstinent members with strong recovery willing to share the steps they took to find recovery from their compulsive eating and compulsive eating behaviors. These workshops are held to help our members reinforce their recovery and to assist newcomers to find recovery from compulsive eating and compulsive eating behaviors.
To help us reach the still suffering compulsive eater and to assist with the funding of future in-person and/or online workshops, we hope that you will consider making a 7th Tradition contribution – to do so, please click here.