About Fellowship Meals/Banquets

Within Overeaters Anonymous, fellowship is key as compulsive eating is a disease of isolation. We believe that together we get better as we work the Twelve Steps of recovery with our sponsors and share our experience, strength, and hope with our fellows at meetings and during outreach calls.

Lunch or dinner meals with an OA speaker provide another way to combine recovery and fellowship. This type of gathering can be held at a local hotel or restaurant where the meals are purchased, or it can be as simple as a gathering where OA members provide the food. Within OASV, you will discover that various meeting groups and events may have time before the meeting or event, or directly afterwards, for meals and fellowship. We encourage you to get to know us better by joining in on these opportunities. We strive to find those restaurants that offer the kinds of meals and variety we can all enjoy and yet remain abstinent from those foods that may trigger us.