Humbly Asking and turning it over


September 13, 2021

Humbly Asking and turning it over

Step Seven: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

”Each of my character defects is replaced by its opposite, and I am equipped with a new set of survival skills.”
Voices of Recovery, October 7.

If I’ve done a good job at becoming willing to let go of my character defects, turning them over to my Higher Power should be easy. It should be as simple as saying a prayer, asking a question, and that’s it. I’m not good at simple, so of course I need to do a little bit more work than that. It helps me to see character defects and assets as two sides of the same coin. When I am hand in hand with my Higher Power, acting on faith and love, those same tendencies of my character turn into assets. When I am in fear and ego and self-seeking, they become defects. For example, I am a hard working person who keeps commitments. In fear that makes me a judgmental perfectionist. In a position of faith and love, that makes me dependable and resourceful. I also have leadership abilities. Love based, that leadership is helpful and nurturing. Fear based? I’m pretty much a dictator, and it’s not pleasant for anyone. In working Step 7, I look at the other side of the coin of my particular defects. I create a vision of what that could bring to my life and others, I feel the joy, and ask my Higher Power to help me be that person. And then I let it go and let my Higher Power take away my character defaults or keep them around if they might still be of use to me or someone else. Sometimes, I still have a lot more to learn, and I trust my Higher Power to help me through those lessons.

Step 7 - humbly ask to remove defects


The seventh step prayer says it all: “My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding.”

Journal Prompt: What’s on the other side of the coin of my character defects?

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